Online Sellers Guide
In Partnership with The Brunswick Golden-Isles Chamber of Commerce
How To Sell Online

Differenet Types of Websites

minute read

Different "Buildings" for Different Purposes

Buildings are tools. They are built in specific ways and serve specific purposes, sometimes the goals change and you have to modify the building or structure and your goal is always to future proof so you have the flexibility to grow as needed.

Websites are the same way, different types do different things and serve different purposes. Some are easy to change, others are more complex, some are cheap and break easily and others are made really well and can grow with you as you grow.

How Does This Building Fit Into Your Goals

How do you make money? How do you need to change how you make money? What value do you add to people's lives and how do they access and understand that value when they're on the move, on the road, stuck at home or unable to visit you like they did before?

When people find you online, how are you going to exchange value? Do you want them to:

  • Learn who you are and reach out to you?
  • Figure out if you are the fit for them and then visit your physical location?
  • Digitally set an appointment on the spot for a video consult or on site visit?
  • Make a purchase there on the spot?
  • Book a time to come in and see you?
  • Widow shop online and come in to make a purchase?

Types of Sites

A website it a tool, nothing more and nothing less. On its own, it does nothing, you have to use it properly for it to provide you the value you want out of it. Just like there are thousands of power tools tools for any number of projects, you have different websites for different types of businesses and online goals.

Marketing Websites

Goal: Tell people who you are, what you do and where you provide services

Main Action People Take: Contact you (by phone, email, form, etc) or visit your location

Good for Businesses..

  • With a Physical Location
  • Who offer Services, on or off-line
  • Who accept online appointments

Key Features:

  • Information and Education Focused
  • Specific Call To Action (Call, Email, Schedule Appointment, etc)

Services in this space:

  • Word Press
  • Webflow
  • Squarespace
  • Wix

Selling Site: E-Commerce

These range from brick and mortar stores that also make inventory available online for purchase, to outfits that sell 100% digitally, to wholesale distributors who sell B2B.

Who is it good for: Anyone wanting to sell (digital or physical) products online.

What is it good for:

  • Reaching customer regardless of location
  • Moving sales beyond "9 to 5"
  • Professionally showcasing your products and building your brand

Key Features

  • Secure Online Payment Processing
  • Online Inventory Management

Services in This space:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce (For Wordpress)
  • Magento

Membership Sites

What are they: Platforms with hidden content for the purpose of selling digital products, services or exclusive content that are not accessible to the general public.

Key Features:

  • Restricted pages or content
  • Secure online payment processing, with focus on subscriptions and auto-renewals
  • User Accounts


  • Recurring Revenue
  • Brand Authority
  • Customer Education
  • Increased demand because of "exclusivity"

Services In this Space:

Landing Pages

These are "single page" websites that typically promote a specific event, campaign, or are designed to target a specific target audience

Other Types of Sites:

  1. Galleries
  2. Portfolios or Resume
  3. Social Media Website
  4. Directory and Contact Pages

Here are some great local website designers we recommend:

Looking for an e-commerce website designer? Check out our e-commerce website write up.


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